Thursday, February 08, 2007

Has It Been Four Months?

Well, it has been a while since I’ve posted to the blog. I will avoid promises of more frequent posts like some people.

The reasons for my absence from the blogosphere are twofold:

1) you may have noticed that my departure corresponds roughly to the launch of new television season. That’s right, Lost, 24, Prison Break, SNL, and Family Guy are to blame.

2) Writer’s block. Generally I find inspiration strikes me when I’m driving on the freeway or taking care of the livestock out back. When I actually sit down to put my thoughts to the keyboard, I get nothing. Which is too bad, because if memory serves me correct those snippets of wisdom are truly a wonder to behold (and by 'behold', I mean 'to reflect upon'). Unfortunately I forget them soon after. What I need to do is carry around a small tape recorder or hire a personal assistant that can transcribe my mutterings on the spot.

In the 38 years I’ve maintained this blog I've learned a few hard lessons. Not the least of which is, "Always spackle before you paint".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just lovely!

1. These comments will adhere to the 1 in 5 rule as outlined by the "all wise" Larry.

2. This site rocks!

3. The author of this blog makes very profound statements.

4. The author of this blog must do mathematics for fun because he seems very smart.

5. All the above statements are a completely bogus! A few of us come to this site for some light humor (and I mean very light). While drifting through the articles posted by the “all wise” Larry, one can’t help but notice his underlying OCD issue and self destructive personality. The above post is the perfect example of such behavior and I for one will not get wrapped up in Larry’s web of lies and miscalculations (yeah I read the Netflix article). Four months without a post due to TV show conflicts and writers block…LIES! Then the man has the audacity to criticize a fellow blogger and a friend of friend. I was gone for four months because I was raising a child…A CHILD! Anyway, keep up the good work and visit often.

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